This is just a simple post with 10 completely random things you may or may not already know about Marijuana -
1. The Primary active ingredient in Marijuana is "Delta 9 Tetrhydrocannabinol" or T.H.C for short - This is the chemical that produces Marijuana's mind-altering effects.
2. Marijuana is the second most popular recreational or mood altering drug used world-wide.
3. The international and scientific term for Marijuana is "Cannabis".
4. Marijuana was first used as a medicinal drug in the year 2737BC, by Chinese emperor Shen Nung.
5. In 2003 Canada became the first COUNTRY in the world (in recent times) to offer medical Marijuana to pain-suffering patients.
6. Although you can purchase and smoke Marijuana in the Netherlands, it is still illegal to grow it.
7. Marijuana contains roughly [420] chemical compounds.
8. No-one has ever died as a result of Marijuana (...apart from maybe choking!).
9. Marijuana is less addictive than Coffee.
10. Marijuana was used as a "Truth Surum" by the U.S Government during World War 2.
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This is just a short simple post with things you may or may not already know about Marijuana.
Please note that this information is in no particular order.
If you notice anyting that is incorrect within this post please let me know ASAP as I have tried my best to make sure everything in the post is true and correct.
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